What is Readymade Company & Their Advantages

Company incorporation in gurgaon


Old readymade shelf companies, sometimes called old shelf or old shell companies, are dormant inactive companies that were incorporated / registered within the previous years but were never ever active. These companies haven't ever traded or done any business transaction - but were registered earlier and are still dormant, inactive companies. These shelf companies are totally clean - meaning free from defects, liens, judgments, or the other liabilities etc. Our shelf companies are bound to be beyond any business debts or liabilities.

We can assist you in identifying the Readymade Shelf Companies which may help in following ways:

  • 1. To save the time involved in taking the steps to make a replacement corporation.
  • 2. To gain the chance to bid on contracts. Some jurisdictions require that a corporation be in business for a particular length of your time to possess this ability.
  • 3. To create an appearance of corporate longevity, which can boost investor or consumer confidence.
  • 4. To gain access to investment capital.
  • 5. To gain easier access to corporate credit.